
Hello, friends. It was brought to my attention that the episode of 'the WALKING podcast' that the link in the newsletter points to contains no walking sounds. It's Jon Mooallem talking about his latest book. That's good and fine but we want to hear some walking. I suggest going to Stitcher and listening to past episodes, including this recent one aptly titled 'Forest Quarantine' → https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/jon-mooallem/the-walking-podcast/e/67746883

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Turd. Filled. Donut. Ha! But Plague on Wheels sounds almost as good! The obsession of the zine culture to stay underground is a strange one. I was working on a train hopping app recently that lets you track car numbers and my old friends in the community wouldn't cooperate! They want it to remain exclusive... perhaps I need to go to Mexico or India.

I like the Japan walks... the other one just has a bunch of talking. The idea of promoting this kind of stuff is very odd. Frankly, I have better things to do with my time. At Recombinant Media Labs I was once subjected to a recording of seals barking in a cave. The piece was entitled "Seals Barking in a Cave." Florian Hecker was there, as I recall. I am interested in the technology, though. It occurred to me recently that I should be ready to record some of the street musicians I come across on a daily basis, among other things. I had a hard time coming up with useful advice on that score but eventually found this as a starting point: https://wiki.ezvid.com/best-smartphone-mics I also found a video featuring Felecia Atkinson, whose music I love, recording a silent plate glass window in an aquarium because she liked the fish on the other side. A bridge too far, perhaps?

And, yes, please stay indoors and cover your face when you go out. The CDC has dropped the ball on that one... there should be a lot more cake!

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